Thursday, January 31, 2008

Out with the Floppy Drive

I bought my MITSUMI black floppy drive back when I originally built my computer in August of 2002, and I'd kept it in my system for the past five and a half years. It's always worked... for the four or five times I'd needed to use it.

Image courtesy of , where I had bought this drive and many other computer parts.

That being said, I realized I hadn't owned a floppy disk in years. So when I swapped out my busted DVD drive, I decided to take my screwdriver to the floppy drive and take it out once and for all.

You know the drill... first the power cable, then the interface cable, then screws out and pull the sucker out. Luckily I hadn't thrown out the original cover to that empty slot from my Ultra case (though I did have a tough time finding it), so soon my computer looked super sleek.

Postmortem: the drive didn't really speed up the boot process, and I did have to go into my BIOS to tell it that there's absolutely no floppy drive anywhere. Still, that slowdown (and chugging sound) whenever you accidentally click on the floppy drive (A:\) and it tries to read what's in there (nothing), is now gone.

And finally, there's a tiny reduction in power usage, and better air flow and less heat from the machine.

Now to figure out what I want to do with my trusty floppy drive...

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