Friday, March 28, 2008

Get Clear, Anti-Aliased Font Display with Cleartype

Cleartype shouldn't even be a feature, it should be the default on Windows. It's the app that turns on anti-aliasing (aka smoothing) of the display of fonts on your system. Look at the difference:

Unfortunately this isn't the easiest feature to turn on on Windows. Luckily, Microsoft has a free, browser-based way of activating and tuning Cleartype to make the display of fonts on your monitor as comfortable on your eyes as can be possible. And if the website doesn't work, there's an installation you can download on the same site.

Microsoft Cleartype Tuner

I personally didn't know of the site when I first found out about Cleartype, so I went and used the installable Powertoy. As such, I can't actually vouch for the online version, but I can vouch for the install. Great stuff!

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1 comment:

William said...

I find that cleartype blurs images, and even, on Vista, gives them red, green and blue tinges.